Sunday, 21 April 2019

An Easter Story

FIRST ROMAN: "This seat taken?"
SECOND ROMAN: "No. My mate's just gone on his rounds. He shouldn't be back for a bit."
FR: "Cheers." (Sits) "That's better. These sandals are killing me."
SR: "It's the thongs."
FR: "Tell me about it. Fancy getting us to work Easter Sunday."
SR: "It's 'cause o' that Jesus guy."
FR: "Mexican?"
SR: "Nah. Nazarene."
FR: "Oh yeah. Heard about him. Apparently he was even causing strife when he was a kiddie. Winesellers were saying he was costing them money."
SR: "He's the reason they started selling bottled water?"
FR: "So they say." (Sandal free, he wiggles his toes) "So why is he messing up our day off? My missus wanted to go on an egg hunt. She's not best pleased I've had to come in."
SR: "It's not him. It's in case his cronies play up."
FR: "Oh aye. I'd forgotten he's got a gang. Why would they be any trouble?"
SR: "Well, they're a bit miffed we crucified him on Friday."
FR: "I didn't know that. I suppose it would put a downer on their weekend."
SR: "You'd think so. But it's been quiet. A bit of wailing, but..."
FR: "To be expected, I guess."
SR: "Poking him with a sword didn't help."
FR: "Aw no, that spoils the whole crucifiction process. Whose idea was that?"
SR: "Don't know. Probably head office."
FR: "Typical. No appreciation of tradition."
SR: "Yeah. Even Jesus didn't know what was involved until we told him about hauling the wood to the site."
FR: "Cross?"
SR: "Yeah, he wasn't best pleased."
FR: "Good one. So what've they done with the body? Given it to the family?"
SR: "Oh no. Bunged it in a cave and rolled a boulder over the entrance."
FR: "Why on earth would they do that?"
SR: "Now that WAS Head office. Prophet motive, apparently."
FR: "So is your mate..."
SR: "Checking the boulder, yep. Wouldn't do if his cronies nabbed the body."
FR: "Hey. What would Head Office do if that happened!"
SR: "Oh they'd be totally embarrased. But they'd try and blame us."
FR:  "But if the paperwork backed us up?"
SR: "They'd be knackered with their own bureaucracy."
FR: "Wouldn't that be great?"
SR: "Serve 'em right for forcing Sunday working. Hey.Grab your sandals..."

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